Avisos AEMET Campiña SevillanaSin Avisos+ INFO
Sevilla, Andalucía, España
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En ce moment

This page shows the data of weather in Seville, now.


- Current Conditions in Seville -

clair, temperature of 22,9°C, subiendo a trend off 0°C/hr, the difference with the last hour is +0,9°C and with a apparent temperature of 25,3°C.
Humidity of 77% which together with the current temperature indicates a dew point 18,6°C.
The barometer shows a pressure of 1010,9, En hausse with a tendency of 0,4 hPa/hr, the wind speed is 2 km/h direction SO and a wind gust 8 km/h.
Température minimale 21,7°C à 07:45, maximum temperature 25,6°C à 00:00 and average temperature of 22,9°C.
Report produced à 08:58.
Good morning

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